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This website :)
The worlds #1 email v3 technology
Contact information and career summary.
AI unlocking business potential.
Harmless and fun Windows computer pranks.
Analytics and behavioral tracking.
Windows .exe free & Freeware software to download.
Everyone wants to code like a ninja!
Consulting capabilities offered. Hire me!
From web and mobile applications to enterprise-grade systems.
Showcasing a wider range of web projects.
Archive of old Computer Pranks and Jokes
AI-Powered Storytelling. Focusing on engagement, privacy, and new tech
Also TalkRingers.com and TalkingRingers.com
Movie about a little Afghan Military Man. Also TheHalfgan.com & Halfghanistan.com
HTML5 Canvas experiment. Also MakeFakeNews.com
Mobile Friendly Test taking answer collector
MessageManagerDeluxe.com Configure IT startup custom messages.
Software using "net send" protocol. Also NetSendLite.com & NetSendDeluxe.com
Make your own Fake Annual Conference
Test creation and test taking with TakeQuickTest.com
Spoof on Agile, fake Waterfall Conference website.
Email to text (SMS) message service.
Reseller gag website. Also 15 other domains like CoolPranks.com, GagShop.com, PrankStore.com
SaaS EduTech company I co-founded as CTO.
Take control over website advertisements
USB Drive/CD-ROM software. Also MyAutorun.com, AutorunStudio.com, Autoruninf.com
Site to enrolling for an event, activity, or service
How much is this meeting costing the company?
EduTech Solutions company I co-founded
Ever wanted to text from your inbox?
Central Wisconsin Golf destination getway
The World's Most Extensive Collection of Windows Browsers